Is Menstruation Impure???
Every day when I speak to ladies around me, I get to hear different stories. Their thoughts, their difficulty, and their challenges as well. While growing up from a girl to woman, the biggest challenge every girl faces is about periods. When girls get their first period in puberty, nobody tells her that it's just another normal biological process while growing. On the contrary, she is said to isolate herself in the room, corner her from the kitchen, restricted from praying or entering into sacred places, and many more. How does it sound when a girl is told that "It is your problem that if you have periods on the chosen date for marriage." How does it be her fault? It occurs naturally. It is more painful when this statement comes from her father, who is well educated and Headmaster of school. When she requested to postpone the marriage date, she is being told to shut her mouth, and the date cannot be changed. Despite all this, when the wedding ceremony happened, a...